Race Day
Information & Advice for your best 13.1 or 26.2 ever!
Where to Cheer!
Come out and cheer on our WCRR Racers on Race Day
Sunday, October 24, 2021
Race Starts at 6:45 AM
Times listed below are only estimates
Pace | Mile 8 | Mile 13.1 | Mile 21 | Mile 26.2 |
8 | 7:49 AM | 8:29 AM | 9:33 AM | 10:14 AM |
9 | 7:57 AM | 8:42 AM | 9:54 AM | 10:40 AM |
10 | 8:05 AM | 8:56 AM | 10:15 AM | 11:07 AM |
12 | 8:21 AM | 9:22 AM | 10:57 AM | 11:59 AM |
14 | 8:37 AM | 9:48 AM | 11:39 AM | 12:51 PM |
17 | 9:01 AM | 10:27 AM | 12:42 PM | 2:10 PM |
Marathon Cheer Station: Mile 21 in Fashion Valley on Friars Rd behind P.F. Changs.
Directions: I-8 to Hotel Circle North into Camino de la Reina heading East. L on Avenida del Rio, veer right and turn into mall shopping center and drive past Bloomingdales, park closest to Friars Rd near PF Changs.
Half/Full Marathon Cheer Station: Mile 2.5 & Mile 8.25: Caffè Calabria, 3933 30th St, San Diego, CA 92104 (Near University & 30th Ave).
Directions: Take I-805 to University. OR from the south go through Golden Hilll and filter north along 30th or 32nd.
4 AM COASTER Train on Oct 24 (click for info)
Map link from Santa Fe Train Station to where Uber/Lift can drop you off near the START at 6th Ave & Juniper Rd​
Race Route
Leave EARLY for the race because traffic will likely be bad!
Getting there early will help you remain calm before the race.
Give yourself plenty of time to get to START line (& port-a-potty lines)
Meet Teammates adjacent to Corral 4 where the crowds are lighter.
What to Wear
Don’t wear new clothes on race day; wear your WCRR shirt & uniform you’ve trained in
Pin your bib number on your WCRR shirt the night before
Lay your clothes out (including shoes & socks) the night before
Put chip on your shoe (if used) the night before
Remember your sunglasses, hat & sunscreen
GPS Watch - charge ahead of time!
Pack these extras for your Bag
Towel, shirt, sweatpants, socks, flip flops (for after race)
Food (bagel, banana, bar, etc.) and water
Antacid tablets/Imodium, Tylenol, Vaseline/Body Glide, sunscreen
Toilet Tissue
Safety pins, pen, ID, plastic bag for wet clothes
“Lube” up areas prone to chafing
Don’t overdress. If you’re warm at the start, you’re probably overdressed.
Key Prep Details
Food & Hydration
Don’t try anything new the night before (e.g., Thai food, extra garlic)
Hydrate well for several days leading up to the marathon (check the color of your “output”)
Follow what you’ve been doing on your training runs. The marathon is not the time to experiment with anything new.
If you’ve been using gel in your training, go ahead and use it in the race, Otherwise don’t use it now!
Stay hydrated with H20 & electrolytes. It’s a good idea to drink fluid at every aid station to stay well hydrated.
Friends/family planted on course with stuff for you (nothing new please & thank you).
Pace & Mental Prep
Don’t start out too fast; you’ll regret it later if you do. Run the first couple miles ~15 seconds slower than your marathon pace,
Then settle into your marathon pace and try to pick up the pace in the final miles when you know you can finish.
Run your own race. Cut the string to training friends.
Be prepared to modify your race plan if it is too hot out (ok to walk too)
Mental Tips
Relax (shoulders, arms, butt kicks)
Remember your Mantra. e.g., “I can do this” “Go-Joe-Go” “5K finish pace”
Post Race Info
The pain goes away once you cross the finish line!
Stay on your feet walking around for about 15 minutes to create good blood circulation.
Get something to drink, and try and pick up something to eat right after you finish. Replenishing your body quickly will keep you from experiencing problems later in the day.
Within an hour or so of finishing, try and eat a nutritious lunch that is high in carbohydrates and protein.
If your stomach is ‘less than great’ after the race, warm foods (like soup) will help tremendously.
Don’t forget to stretch & use the Stick every 2 hours after the race throughout the day so your legs recover FAST and you aren’t walking around like a Zombie! Where else?